What are the causes of Hair loss ? How to control it?

What are the causes of Hair loss ? How to control it?

For practically everyone, hair loss is a problem. We eventually start losing a few hair strands every day. Once hair starts falling out, growing new hair is a daily effort and source of worry.

Why does hair fall out?

The causes of hair loss might differ from person to person. There are several causes of hair loss. In certain instances, external factors like pollution, chemicals, and so on, may be to blame. The majority of the time, internal factors like a significant medical condition, poor diet, heredity, or other factors are to blame. Here are a few of the many variables that might affect hair loss

Stress may be physical or emotional.

Temporary hair loss might be a result of stress. Stress may have an impact on any aspect of your body, not just your hair. You can put on weight, get hair loss, and become more susceptible to illnesses as a result.

hormone adjustments

Hormonal fluctuations can make hair follicles more sensitive, which weakens the roots and causes hair loss. Menopause, ovarian cysts, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and others are hormonal changes that result in hair loss.


Sometimes baldness can also have a genetic component, where you get hair loss through your genes. It's probable that you will have hair loss if your parents or ancestors did. "Inherited alopecia" is the name given to this disorder.


Most women endure recurrent dehydration, hormonal imbalance, and exhaustion after giving birth. The sensitivity of hair follicles is raised by this. Excessive hair loss can be caused by any of these conditions.

scalp Infections

Infections caused by fungi, bacteria, or viruses, such as psoriasis, dermatitis, etc., weaken roots, harm hair follicles, and result in thinning or broken hair.


While certain medical procedures are effective in addressing health issues, they can also have negative side effects. The negative consequences might be mild or severe. Such negative effects harm hair follicles and hasten the loss of hair.

Hair treatments using chemicals

Extreme hair loss may result from overusing chemical hair products, repeatedly using heating or styling appliances on the hair, or overusing chemical hair treatments.

deficit in iron

The primary causes of hair loss include insufficient amounts of iron in the body, a lack of red blood cells, or a sudden loss of blood.

malnourishment or extreme dieting

Nutrient deficiencies can cause serious damage to your body. Your skin will not be in good shape, and the same can be said for your hair. Numerous health issues might affect your body. Additionally, your hair doesn't receive enough strength to keep your scalp healthy or produce healthy hair.

thyroid issues

Hair loss can always be caused by thyroid issues, such as thyroid diseases or drugs. You may occasionally completely lose hair on your scalp. In certain circumstances, hair loss is irreversible.

How to control it?

Control stress

The worst enemy of the body is stress. Too much stress may have a negative impact on your health in numerous ways. This is due to the fact that stress causes harmful hormones, which harm one's physical health. Stress not only causes hair loss but also weight gain, sleep issues, and other negative effects. Therefore, be sure to engage in stress-relieving activities like hanging out, practising meditation, watching movies, and other things that make you happier and a better person.

comb your hair

The benefits of brushing your hair are numerous. Your hair requires additional care to hydrate and nourish it, just like your skin. Brushing your hair more regularly promotes healthy scalp circulation and hair growth by stimulating blood flow. Use cikitsa wooden comb for better results.

To nourish your hair and to encourage healthy hair development, brush your hair frequently. To prevent damage, those with long hair can brush their hair from roots to ends.

Change the way you look

By pushing your hair back and putting stress or strain in certain places, certain hairstyles can seriously harm your hair. Most often, you try to knot your hair loosely or even let it down. Additionally, you should alternate between your partings, so one day part to the left and the next to the right or centre. Over time, the region where you separate your hair exclusively in one way becomes bald. Don't wear your hair in the same manner every day, either.

Adhere to a hair-care regimen

Keeping a regimen is crucial for both the skin and the hair. First, deep condition your hair by giving it a massage with natural oil. Do double cleansing, which is washing your hair twice with a gentle and natural shampoo, and let it on for about an hour. Condition your hair well after cleaning. After that, rinse your hair and work a leave-in conditioner into it from the roots to the scalp.

Better bedtime routine

Numerous studies have demonstrated that if you go to bed before 11 p.m., your body will naturally cleanse itself. Your body detoxifies itself between the hours of 11 p.m. and 2 a.m. If you are an early bird, these hours can assist you in maintaining a healthy physique, which is why they are known as the "golden hours." Additionally, obtaining 6 to 7 hours of sleep each night is crucial for maintaining healthy hair as well as the general performance of the body.

Don't use hair dyes.

The vast majority of hair colours, bleaches, and styling treatments available on the market are loaded with chemicals. Your hair and scalp's health may be impacted by those substances. Even though you enjoy giving your hair the crazy treatment of changing colours, straightening, or smoothing it, you must refrain if you don't want to lose your hair. These chemical compounds are quite toxic and your skin can't handle them. They harm your hair and put stress on it. So, wherever feasible, go for natural products or treatments.

No drinking alcohol or smoking

Smoking, drinking, and doing drugs are vices that can harm your body's healthy cells. Why do you wish to impede the flow of blood or healthy cells? Avoiding such substances will improve both your health and the development of your hair.

Use cikitsa Hair care oil.

Using cikitsa hair care oil according to our guideline can control hair fall issues very much. Check out today itself.

Use silk bed pillows.

The fabric that has been shown to be good for both your skin and hair is silk. To avoid hair tangling, frizzing, roughness, and dryness, use silk pillows. Additionally, remember to replace the pillowcases once a week to prevent scalp diseases like dandruff.

food items

For healthy, strong hair, include a balanced diet and nutrient-rich meals in your diet plan. Among the top meals for wholesome hair development are,

Iron-rich foods - Studies have shown that an iron shortage can result in a quick loss of hair. Hormonal imbalance during the postpartum period might cause iron insufficiency. eat more foods high in iron, such as walnuts, spinach, broccoli, black beans, etc.

Foods high in protein - Proteins should be included in both your diet and hair care products including shampoos, conditioners, and oils. Because dry hair and split ends might result from a protein deficiency. Therefore, incorporate foods high in protein as eggs, meat, beans, maize, and others.

Iodine-rich foods - Cranberries, yoghurt, and cheese are a few examples of iodine-rich foods that aid with hair loss by enhancing thyroid functioning.


foods high in alkalinity To function effectively, your body needs to maintain a pH equilibrium. Your body's pH levels can be balanced by eating alkaline foods. In order to eliminate toxins from the body and stop hair from thinning or greying, consume fresh fruits and vegetables.


In conclusion, hair loss can stem from a variety of factors ranging from genetics to lifestyle choices. Understanding the causes can empower individuals to take proactive steps in managing and controlling hair loss. While it may not always be possible to completely prevent hair loss, there are numerous strategies that can help minimize its impact and promote healthier hair growth.

First and foremost, managing stress is essential as it can have detrimental effects on overall health, including hair health. Engaging in stress-relieving activities such as meditation, spending time with loved ones, or pursuing hobbies can significantly reduce stress levels and contribute to healthier hair.

Maintaining a consistent hair care regimen is also crucial. This includes gentle cleansing with natural products, regular conditioning, and incorporating deep conditioning treatments to nourish the hair and scalp. Additionally, avoiding harsh chemicals found in hair dyes and styling products can help prevent damage and breakage.

Improving lifestyle habits such as getting an adequate amount of sleep, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and maintaining a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients can also support healthy hair growth. Incorporating foods high in iron, protein, and iodine can address nutritional deficiencies that may contribute to hair loss.

Furthermore, making small adjustments such as using silk pillows to prevent hair tangling and investing in quality hair care products like cikitsa hair care oil can further enhance hair health.

Overall, by addressing both internal and external factors contributing to hair loss and adopting a comprehensive approach to hair care, individuals can effectively manage and control hair loss, promoting healthier, stronger hair in the process.

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