Importance of mixing essential oil with carrier oil
Carrier oils are a terrific component in making amazing skincare and other self-care products, whether you're using them to make a DIY skincare routine or a bath bomb that will fill your bathroom with lovely fragrances. Particularly when utilising essential oils in combination with other components for skincare products, carrier oils are a fantastic method to dilute them before applying to the skin. We'll show you how to combine carrier oils and essential oils in this blog article so you can make your own unique mixes.
when using essential oils to make your own skincare, they are powerful oils that are taken from plants and have a strong scent and aroma. it is used in skincare products due to their intensity, essential oils alone can irritate the skin, create sensitivities, or cause skin issues that go beyond their pleasant scents.
Essential oils can be used safely when combined with carrier oils. They also aid in moisturising and nourishing your skin. Whatever oil you use, after combining it with an essential oil, avoid applying it to your lips, eyes, or other delicate regions. To these places, you may safely use a carrier oil alone. As a general guideline, strive for a dilution of 1-5%. For skincare, the recommended percentages are 1-3% and 3-5%, respectively. 6 drops per 30 ml equal a 1% dilution. On small children, use essential oils more sparingly because their skin are more sensitive and they don't require as much health assistance. newborns to six months old Use.25% solution and essential oils sparingly. Dilute 1 drop of essential oil per 1 1/2 TB of carrier oil.