Here are some Q&A For your hair issues

It is not surprising that hair fall, breakage, hair loss, and unhealthy hair are among the top beauty concerns of our generation today given the hectic lives many of us lead. Furthermore, to make matters worse, the prevalence of these worries has given rise to a number of falsehoods, which frequently worsen situations for individuals who are already suffering. To help you understand the reality of healthy hair, we strive to debunk some common myths about hair in this article:

  1. What results in hair loss?

There are several reasons. One's genetic make-up, hormone issues, illnesses, medications, and stress are a few examples.

  1. Describe the meals that are greatest for hair and why.

Magnesium, calcium, zinc, omega 3 fatty acids, and vitamin E are nutrients or ingredients that support almond health. offers hair lustre and promotes hair growth, Neem, Essential fatty acid vitamin E protects from harm from the outside and strengthens hair strands., Amino acids and amla vitamin C, decreases greying, strengthens the hair shaft, and calms the scalp, Linalool and linalyl acetate from lavender. Reduces hair loss by moisturising and nourishing hair.Henna/Lawsonia Inermis.reduces dandruff and hair loss, shields hair from the sun and dust. Indigo, Blue-eyed Tinctoria, prevents greying and drabness of the hair (due to pollution, sun damage and stress)

  1. Does stress result in hair loss?

 In a way, yes. We might lose a lot of hair every day for a variety of reasons, including telogen effluvium (a condition that occurs after pregnancy), surgery, dramatic whitening, hair loss, and high stress.

  1. Which ayurveda natural treatments may stop hair loss?

Improved nutrition, herbal remedies, cikitsa hair oil massage, aromatherapy, meditation, pranayama, and yoga are helpful for reducing hair loss and delaying the onset of grey hairs. For someone who already has a pitta imbalance, for instance, we could advise against foods that do so since they could result in hair loss. Many herbs, including bhringaraj, neem, gooseberry, and reetha, are quite effective against scalp infections.

  1. Does using a blow dryer result in increased hair loss?

A blow dryer is okay if you are using a heat-protective serum, but it is best to let your hair air dry naturally.

  1. Why do teens have hair loss?

Typically, hormonal abnormalities like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome are to blame for this (PCOS). Rhyroid, fungus infections, and a poor diet are among more causes.

  1. What exactly is alopecia?

This is a broad word for hair loss in medicine. Alopecia Areata is a common, auto immune skin condition that can affect anybody at any age and result in hair loss on the scalp and other parts of the body.

It is typically inherited and associated with having too much DHT, a male hormone. Female pattern baldness, which is when the hair on top of the head thins, also affects women, and this can frequently occur around menopause.

  1. Do hair colours and styling aids have an impact on hair loss?

Yes, hair damage and protein loss from the hair shaft, which makes the hair look thinner, can occur if the hair colour contains chemicals like ammonia. Hair styling tools like curling irons and hair irons can break the hair. If you must use a hair spray, we advise using a heat-protective serum. Hair sprays can make hair more brittle.

  1. Can brushing make hair thicker or more resistant to thinning?

Hair can be broken by forceful brushing and by combing or brushing damp hair. We advise detangling wet hair with a wide-toothed comb before brushing dry hair.

  1. Will routine trimming reduce hair loss?

Regular hair trimming will reduce breakage and make your hair appear shinier. Our advice is to cut your hair every three months.

  1. Can drying your head with a towel cause hair to fall out?

Yes, if you don't exercise care when towel drying, your hair may break and fall out. This is particularly true when someone rubs their hair against a towel or rings it; doing so can exacerbate split ends and rip hair out of its roots, harming the hair.

  1. Does pregnancy lead to hair loss?

Despite the fact that during pregnancy women often have thicker and fuller hair, hormonal changes in a woman's body might trigger hair loss immediately after childbirth.

  1. Can you elaborate on the topic of male baldness?

A receding hairline and baldness are the initial indications of hair loss in male pattern baldness. In addition to fungal infections and localised diseases like ringworm, it may be a hereditary disorder. Male pattern baldness may also be caused by Dandruff, Alopecia, securing hair in tight knots. Hair loss is caused by trichotillomania, such as using heated tools and excessive hair styling. drugs and medication used for birth control, depression, arthritis, and cancer. Hair loss is brought on by hypervitaminosis (excess Vitamin A), which includes chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

  1. How much hair loss each day is considered normal?

50 to 100 strands are typically shed each day.

  1. Does baldness usually result from hair loss?

For women, it often starts with hair thinning while it does for males, although baldness is not always the end result.

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